I am extremely happy and excited to say that I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by the gorgeous girl behind Aimee Influential; Miss Aimée Watling. Go have a cheeky look at her blog because I know you'll love it.
The Liebster Award is all about raising awareness for smaller blog that have less than 200 followers and to get to know new bloggers in our amazing blogging community.
The Rules:
1. Link the person who nominated you.
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator.
3. Nominate 11 other blogger who have less than 200 followers.
4. Create 11 questions for the nominees.
5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.
Aimee Influentials questions for me:
1. Are you a planner? Or are you spontaneous?
I like to plan out my posts so I'm organised but I get inspiration from different shops, landscapes and people so that side is quite spontaneous.
2. What's your favourite TV programme?
I'm a crappy TV sort of girl, I'll watch anything you put in front of my but if I had to chose one it would have to be Hollyoaks.
3. What's your number one fashion piece go to?
I would have to say a pair skinny jeans, I mean you can't go wrong with them plus I live in them.
4. Name your fave beauty product?
Admittedly I've only just come across it but it is literally the best product I have ever bought. Soap and glory mother pucker lip-gloss.
5. When your writing a blogpost what's going on in the background?Music?A film?
When it comes to blogging I could probably be seen as a bit of a boring one as when I blog I tend to just sit in my room and focus on what I'm writing so I get a really solid blog post.
6. Who is your inspiration?
As an aspiring fashion stylist other fashion stylists like Rebekah Roy really inspire me but I do like to focus on my own ideas instead of using someone else.
7. Where would you like to be in 5 years time?
In 5 years time I hope to have a solid career in the fashion styling industry, hopefully my blog becomes more successful and I'm able to inspire and work with a lot more people. To me happy and healthy with friends and family and maybe in married to my boyfriend.
8. What's that one song that makes you go crazy?
Sadly I have to say Let it go, not because I hate it but because it's been soooo over played. (Sorry frozen lovers)
9. Whos your favourite Liebster nominee blog and why?
Well of course I love them all but if I had to chose it would have to be Eleanor's Adventures as I love her quirky style and her innovative write ups.
10. If you were stuck on a desert island with only 3 items what would they be and why?
That's a tricky one! Number one would be a phone so I could call for help? That's clever right? Haha and maybe even blog ;). Second one would be a bottle of water as I don't want to go thirsty and the third thing would have to a mirror as I'm a little vain.
11. Why did you start blogging?
Blogging came into my life at a really hard stage of my life and it really helped me to focus on something again and start to enjoy living again.
My Nominations:
My questions to you:
1. What's your favourite trend of 2014?
2. What do you love the most about blogging?
3. What do you value the most in your life?
4. How would you explain yourself in 4 words?
5. If you were able to move any where in the world where would it be? And why?
6. What's your favourite thing to blog about?
7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
8. If you could have one wish in the world what would it be and why?
9. Who or what inspires you and why?
10. What are you really really good at?
11. What makes you smile?
Check out my nominees blogs, I hope you love then as much as I do. Thank you Stylish Sunriser's for this, remember you can follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, bloglovin or subscribe to get email updates of my posts.
All my love,
Over and out.