I guess there's no surprise that black and white, or monochrome, is 'in' this season as we see it everywhere and if I'm honest I don't think it's ever out! Like I said black and white is no ground breaker but this year it will be more focused on interesting patterns, silhouettes and textures. Black and White just looks so damn good it's impossible to ignore.

So admittedly I haven't used a lot of white in this outfit bit I'm pretty sure you'll get the gist of it ;) Black and white gives you the chance to create such a bold look however much of each colour you use. I kept it super simple but I absolutely love how chic it is with this Nike jumper, black skinnies and black tailored fit jacket. I'm such a sucker for black as it hides a multiple of sins and is super slimming. Both the jumper and jeans are very slim fitting; this jumper is one of my all time faves as I find it nice to also have a slim jumper as well as a big over sized jumper. Nike are obviously top of the sporting game and this jumper is no different; awesome quality and sooo comfortable.

As well as this jumper being one of my favourite things right now this beautiful tailored jacket is too. Not only does it match with everything but it's so soft and really flattering. This jacket will make any outfit look smart and sleek which is perfect when pulling a look together. This beauty is from Marks and Spencer and right now I really can't get enough of their Coat/Jackets; yes they can be more expensive than usual jackets but they are totally worth the investment. Finally if you follow my blog then you'll know how highly I rate these Gladiator Sandals but if you missed it just click HERE and enjoy.
Steal my style:
All my love,
Over and out.
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