For me anxiety and depression come in waves. For two weeks I can feel really positive, want to push myself and create new goals and the next two weeks I'll wake up with panic attacks for no reason, I won't want to leave the house or speak to anyone. Once your hit with a really shitty two or so weeks all the work you've put in previous goes completely out the window and your left with the thought 'What's the point'. No one wants to feel like they're getting nowhere when they're trying so hard so what is the point?
I have a few solutions for you that help me when the winds pick up and the waves start crashing. While I'm 'on a high' as like to call it I make the most of the time I have knowing I'm less likely to panic, so I'll start to do new things whether it be taking the dog for a walk in a different park, staying in Sainsburys that little bit longer or going to see a family member. I'll try and do all the things that I know I won't be able to do when the rain cloud appears over my head. Making the most of the good moods is key for me as like I said before when the low moods come in, that progress is wiped clean.

The more you start to feel comfortable and truly accept yourself in the 'high times' is when the 'low times' become less frequent and easier to manage. Anxiety is something that can change so quickly and is really unpredictable so living with it becomes such a task when trying to lead a 'normal' life. Keep fighting guys, your Zen will come soon.
Top Tip:
Practice makes perfect, right? A great way of coping with panic attacks is to find a strategy that works for you whether it be deep breathing or listening to music...Practice it! Think of that scary panic attack coming as a big test, you revise for a test so you know how to answer the questions. Well that panic attack is the same, how do you expect to calm yourself during a panic attack when you haven't practiced what your mean't to do. It's not easy and I certainly don't have it mastered but we'll get there.

I hope this helps at least one of you and I'd love to hear all your successes, even if it is a bad day.
All my love,
Over and out.
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