Thursday 18 December 2014

6 Beauty Secrets

We are all looking for ways to make the most out of our make up and tips and tricks to get the best beauty possible. I have been testing out these cheeky secrets and they truly work. Make up and trends always change but these tips can stick with you so keep note.

1. So we all have them eyeshadows and powders that are crushed to death but we never end up throwing them out so this is a really simple and easy way of using unusable makeup. Change your loose pigments into lip gloss by adding them into a pot with some petroleum jelly, mix and you have your own custom lip gloss. Super money saver.

2. If your a liquid eyeliner virgin, prefer a pencil or love them both this tip is a must try and an alternate way of using. All you need for this is an eyeliner pencil and a lighter, put your pencil tip over the lit lighter for about 10 seconds, leave to cool for 10 seconds and you are left with an intense gel liner pencil.

3. We should only keep our mascara for a couple of months but if your mascara has fallen victim to the flake then revive it by add a few drops of saline solution (which you can easily get from superdrug or supermarket's) mascara and you are left with a fresher and smoother mascara.

4. If your anything like me, your always looking for ways that will keep your lipstick on for longer and I don't know why I've never tried this before. Once you have applied your lipstick then place tissue over your lips and lightly dust translucent powder over the tissue. And VoilĂ , beautiful lips from day to finish.

5. If your looking for that natural look then by mixing your favourite moisturizer and foundation together and you have a full coverage blend that will keep your skin flawless.

6. For perfect kissable lips exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. No one wants dry cracked lips so by brushing your lips with a small toothbrush and vaseline then you are lipstick ready. Another way of exfoliating your lips is by mixing a small bit of olive oil and sugar together until it's a paste and simply rub it onto your lips and wash off.

Try them out yourself and let me know how it goes but remember keep it secret..shhh!

All my love,
Over and out.


  1. I have to try the tip with olive oil, my lips are really cracked in the winter! Thanks for sharing. x

    Sara Wallflower

    1. Your more than welcome lovely! It really works for me so hope it does for you as well! :) x


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