Tuesday 9 December 2014

My Top 5 Style Tips

So we've all had our own fashion disasters and may they be a good laugh to look back on, no one wants to see what you had for dinner in them insanely tight leggings (you know the ones). 

Whether you don't really follow fashion or struggle with patterns, colours and shapes then take a look at my five tips and you'll look as sassy as Cara Delevingne on a night out.

5. Try it on:
So I'm sure I'm not the only one that hates trying on clothes, especially if that dress you've wanted for weeks doesn't fit you but there's nothing worse than trying it on when you get home and it not fitting (we've all done it). Trying your clothes on gives you an opportunity to take accessories in with you and really style an outfit plus it's a great chance to take a cheeky selfie ;) 

4. Shape up:
So famously spanx aren't the most sexiest thing a women can wear but lately they have become a big deal with all the Kim Kardashian hype but whether it be seamless panties or an uplifting bra shape wear is the way forward and helps you look fabulous all day long.

3. Mix it up:
Fashion of course isn't all about the high end brands but mixing highstreet and high end. If I'm honest 50% of my wardrobe is full of reclaimed clothes as I love vintage clothing but mixing them with Topshop and Zara garments is my favourite thing to do.

2. Know your shape:
The best thing you can do to what you wear is to know your body shape. Whether it be Apple, Pear or Rectangular make sure you know what flatters your figure so you can really make the best out of your outfit. (Especially if your wearing a dress or a pair of jeans).

1. Finally and most importantly Be yourself
The biggest rule of fashion I think is to always create your own style and bloody work it. Always stay unique and stick to your own individual style with what you love and feel great in.

I hope this helped you guys and you enjoyed a different style of post. 

All my love,
Over and out.


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