Tuesday 2 December 2014

Banish the panic

Anyone that knows me or has read my blog before, definitely knows that I am Anxiety Girl! I may be able to joke about it now but after six years it's still not easy to live with. I thought I'd do a post today about things that help me with panic attacks and anxiety which might then help you or your friends.

My current stage of anxiety isn't great and I am lucky enough to soon be seeing a therapist. I've seen many different people in regards to my anxiety and nothing has ever helped so sadly I don't have the magic trick that will make us all better but believe me I wish I did. From writing up timetables for the day to medication to exercises I've never been able to pin point the thing and say wow that really helped me. So know your probably thinking why is she writing a post about how to get rid of the panic. Professional help has never helped me but after six years I'm learning a lot about my anxiety and anxiety in general and am starting to work with it.

Ok, so as anxiety has restricted me to the four walls in my house I now know it has to stop. Currently I'm scared to leave the house as I'm afraid of a panic attack but this is what you all need to think, So what!? So what, if I panic? so what, if I'm sick? so what, if people stare? so what, if people think your weird?...SO WHAT! Who cares! Fighting your anxiety needs to come deep down from your belly, you really want to want it and believe me I know that is the most difficult thing in the world but after the first day of leaving the house or walking into that shop your scared of because you've had a panic attack there before it will be the best day ever.
After feeling better and then having a lot of set backs I've been stuck in the house for about 3 weeks until the other day when I thought; No, I'm not having this anymore. So even though I felt so sick, it was really dark and I was on my own...I left the house, yes I was scared, yes I kept wanting to turn back, yes I felt sick, yes I wanted to call my mum but once I got home I felt great and that was just a walk. The bottom line is every day is full of excuses but it doesn't need to be. Yeh something bad might happen but you know what something bad might not happen.

Fighting this isn't easy especially as it's so difficult to understand but you can slowly and steady all by gradually building up what you and what your scared of. Once you've done something more often it becomes natural and gets easier so don't give in to that evil anxiety voice and stand taller than it. Remember 'Life is tough, but so are you'.
Even though I haven't had a full on panic attack in quite a while now as I've been staying clear of any uncomfortable situations I have created my own six steps to do when a panic attack hits. It's no miracle cure but if you stay focused it might help you.

1. Tell yourself 'It's ok' Accept the feelings are normal and whatever happens it will be ok.
2. BREATHE. Breathe in through your nose for 7 seconds and out through your mouth for 11 seconds. 
3. Speak to yourself. Be kind and speak to yourself the way you would speak to a friend having a panic attack. Just ride it out and it will be ok, you've had them before and it doesn't last forever.
4. Laugh at yourself. Joke about the situation your in and side the funny side of it.
5. Float. Imagine yourself floating past the problem just breathe and relax.
6. Get rid of the adrenaline! Use the energy whether it be just shaking your hands about or going for a run.
I really hope this post helps at least one person and if you have any questions regarding anxiety or panic attacks whether your suffering or you know someone who is please comment below or if you don't feel confident enough to do that I'd be happy to answer any emails. Also take at look at these sites if you really are struggling MindHelpGuideAnxiety uk.
All my love,
Over and out.


  1. Wow - so well put and explained. It helps me understand your anxiety and try to stand in your shoes. I love your 'six steps' because I think its shows that there are solutions out there and you can create them yourself. Amazing xxx

    1. Thank you so much! It really means a lot xxx

  2. Great post, I personally do have anxiety also. These tips really do help <3

    (IG: @TheStardustBohemian)

    1. So glad to hear you found this helpful. You blog is stunning by the way! :) <3

  3. Great post! I think it's so important that people open up and talk freely about things like anxiety (which I have as well) so we can all know that we're not alone and share tips about it as well. I found that professional help never really helped me either - my anxiety only started getting better when I had a 'click' moment like you and though "no, I am not going to live the rest of my life in fear of going outside and talking to people".

    I wish you all the best on the rest of your journey on getting to grips with your anxiety! <3

    Euhnella | Life of A Pearl

    1. Thank you so much lovely, it means so much. Your right it needs to be talked about so it's not a 'touchy subject'. So glad you had that 'click' I know exactly what you mean. I wish you all the too and stay in touch <3

  4. Hey friend, it is very well written article, thank you for the valuable and useful information you provide in this post. Keep up the good work! FYI, please check these depression, stress and anxiety related articles:

    12 Ways To Stay Positive In Life Always

    10 Mistakes Made By People Who Fail

    31 best ways relieve stress

    Mental Stress in Children

    Depression In College Students

    How To Save Your Relationship

    Depression in Men


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