Thursday 4 December 2014



Ok guys so I am in love with this website..OutfitZoo. Outfit Zoo is a new and unique way of shopping, it puts our favourite brands together to create fashionable outfits and inspire our shop. Outfit Zoo is great if you are in a rush to get that fresh new look or to find the shoes to go with that dress. The website puts everything into one place so you can buy a whole look with one click. It's just like having your own stylist on your phone or laptop. As an aspiring stylist I think this concept is fab and cant wait to see where this can go.

I was lucky enough to be given the to create my own outfit (above). It is nice to be given the opportunity to put a peice together and of course I jumped at the chance to get involved. I like the way my vision is shown on the site in one simple but effective layout, even though the garments come from completely different shops. 

I love the site however I always try to find something to improve about the things I review as it is the best help I can give from a customer point of view. I love the simplicity of the site as it puts the focus on the garments however I feel moving forward it would be good to see some simple pictures or a border which keeps the outfits at the forefront but adds some excitement to the page.

So what are you still, click here and check it out.

All my love,
Over and out.


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