Monday 24 November 2014

Slendertoxtea: My experience

If your following me on Instagram (which you should be ;)) then you will know that I have started using Slendertoxtea. Today is day 4 and I have to say I'm really loving it. I've always struggled with weight and three years ago I lost three stone but as we all know the last bit of weight is the hardest to get rid of so I've been trying a lot of things.
Sadly I'm not a stone lighter but I am waking up feeling a lot more energized and fresh which is what we all want in the morning. I was a bit concerned that I might have to set up camp in the bathroom but I only have to go to the toilet once more than I usually do so it's not as lethal as I expected.
Of course this isn't going to make you shed stone after stone but along with healthy eating, this product is really helpful and heathly. I would really recommend it to anyone that is trying to shift them last few pounds.

With love,


  1. I've heard really good things about these. They look good for a general detox too x
    eleanor's adventures // UK Fashion & Beauty Blog

    1. It is so good! :D love your blog by the way lovely x


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