Monday 25 May 2015

Review: Sebamed

For the last 28 days I've been reviewing three products from Sebamed. Sebamed were the first company to identify and pioneer the pH 5.5 healthy skincare balance. I suffer with a lot of break outs especially at the time of the month and can never do anything to get rid of them, so I was really excited to get started on this product. I was sent three lots of 3 samples which lasted me for the whole 28 days and brilliant instructions on how to use these products; not only that but steps on which one to use first, second and third to get the best results. 'The first and most important step on your path to clean skin is thoroughly cleasing'.
And I absolutely loved this cleansing bar. The smell of this bar was so fresh and foamed really effectively to really cover the face and neck. I really liked using this product in the shower instead of normal face wash as I felt it really worked in giving me a cleaner complexion.
Step 2 was toning and this is my favourite part of these 3 steps as I'm such a fan of deep cleasing toners and I have to say this is the best one I've ever used. It leaves your skin feeling super refreshed and is perfect for reducing oily skin which I really struggle with. After just using step one and two I found my complexion was a lot more even, spots were less red and it had elminated a lot of black heads.

Now the last step was tricky for me as I feel it didn't really agree with my skin. Admittedly the gel was very oily, as you can see in the images above, but when rubbed in it soaks into the skin brilliantly but left my skin oily still. Sebamed claim that the gel 'leaves the skin feeling soft and hydrated' which I must agree with but the oilyness wasn't a winner for me. 

  • Great cooling and refreshing sensation with the toner.
  • Lovely smelling.
  • Professional and clean packaging.
  • Didn't cause any extra break outs.
  • The bar and gel are very long lasting and you don't need to use much of them.
  • How oily the gel was.
  • Didn't heal ALL break outs.

 I used these products every single night for 28 days so would I purchase it myself? Overall I was pleased with the product and would definitely purchase the cleansing bar and cleasing toner. So thank you Sebamed.

 You can check their products by clicking HERE. They have a lot to offer so go and check them out.

All my love
Over and out.


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