Wednesday 13 May 2015

The 80's called, they want their jacket back.

While having a good rummage through my mum's old clothes I found this incredible jacket and it's safe to say I'm a little in love. You can't go wrong with a tan jacket but as this jacket is 30 years old the cut and shape is so different to anything you can pick up now. The big balloon type sleeves are more like something you'd find on a bomber jacket and wear and tear just adds so much more character than a brand new jacket. I'm a big fan of vintage clothes as it's so much fun mixing them with new clothes. Before you throw any old clothes out make sure to think about it a little longer as the amount of times I've chucked clothes out and regretted it weeks later is ridiculous.

Cheeky bit on these boots; yes I have blogged them before but I cannot recommend then enough! I literally wear them all the time as they are so comfortable and durable. I usually find that knee high boots can be difficult to wear with trousers as you can't do the zip up with the extra material but I find these boots work a lot better with trousers than if you were to wear them bare legged. The platform makes them super easy to walk in and a real all day boot.

Steal my style:

All my love,
Over and out.


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