Wednesday 12 November 2014


I am absolutely obsessed with this sexy SOTO Aroma Diffuser and essential oils. The colour changing mood light beautiful, almost hypnotic and  perfect for relaxing at the end of a long day. Sleek, stylish and soothing.
How to use: Simply pour some water into the little bowl adding whatever oil you desire, switch it on and watch your stress melt away.
Like I mentioned in my first post, I suffer with pretty serve anxiety and panic attacks. For anyone that doesn't know too much about that...A panic attack is a rush of intense psychological and physical symptoms. These symptoms can be anything from feeling sick to passing out and can sometimes happen for no reason. I won't bore you too much with them details though at the moment ;) 
Anxiety, stress and depression really take a tole on how my body functions and calming myself down but when I feel like things are getting a bit too much I switch my defuser on and try and drift away with the steam. 
Helping me in my quest to beat anxiety has been the amazing Miaroma essential oils and my favourites are pictured above. Rose, Lavender, Bergamot and Jasmine. After researching essential oils best for anxiety I found that these came top and I would be the first to recommended that. Rose and Jasmine I find very subtle and extremely relaxing but when I'm faced with panic I really like to switch to Bergamot, the fruity uplifting tones really help me focus and relax.

I would really recommend the defuser and oils to anyone as we all want to get in bed a drift away into a beautiful sleep but even if you don't want to purchase the oils you can just put water in the defuser and it helps to clean the air.

Miaroma essential oils || Holland and Barrett
SOTO Aroma Diffuser || Amazon

Any questions please comment. I would love to hear from you all. 

S.M x


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